Dr Margaret Kennedy George also warned that the medical items and consumables donated to the various health facilities must not be sold.
She insisted that the various heads and officers of the health facilities must ensure that the health needs of members of the communities are attended to with the medical items and consumables donated free of charge.
Some of the beneficiaries who spoke with Empire TV could not contain their joys, they praised George Mangibo Reach Out Foundation for the gesture.
Also, the heads of the various schools and health facilities expressed gratitude, saying the gesture was timely.
The Financial Secretary of Kalio-Ama, Hon Marculey Aminayanasa, Chairman of Oba-Ama Community, Obiyasosa Goodluck, community leader of George-Ama, Hon Minasechinbo Christian and his Abam-Ama counterpart who witnessed the distribution of the items, commended the foundation and pledged their commitments to seeing that members of the communities have free access to benefit from the medical items donated.